
Bug reporting in software testing

Course description

Which problem does this course solve?

Have you experienced misunderstandings when communicating bugs you found? Or trouble understanding a bug report someone else has written? Then it is quite likely that it led to consumption of more time than necessary. Compared with if the bug report has been written in a communicative and informative way. How do you do that then? You will get answers to this in this course.

Do you know what a bug report should contain?

This is a good question that you will learn the answer to. In short, you can formulate a bug report in several different ways. However, there is some information that should always be included. The release number of the software, what happened and how to repeat this. To mention a few. Also remember that your testing will never be better than how you communicate it.

Bug reporting in software testing course content:

After the course you will be able to

• Communicate your testing in a clearer way
• Write effective bug reports.
• Learn RIMGEN which is an excellent acronym for writing a good bug report.
• Why the title is the most important thing in a bug report
• Have a better understanding of what should be classified as a bug
• Manage some of the most common bug systems on the market
• How to handle bug management and why it can save time


Did you know that this training can be carried out as an in-house training for your company? In some situations, it is even better to have a company-internal training than an open course.

In a situation where several people in the same organization need to undergo training, a company-adapted solution is a good and cost-effective alternative.

Together, we can adapt the content to your organization’s way of working, with, for example, exercises based on your own business.

Don’t miss this Half day

Secure your seat today and achieve astonishing results!

The course is held online on Zoom.

The teaching is a mixture of theory and hands on practice.


  • Contact us if you are interested in taking this course.

Time: 08.30 pm CET

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Bug reporting in software testing

9900 kr

Start kl 08:30 AM cest

  • What is a Bug?
  • How to write a good bug report
  • How to use RIMGEN

Coffee break kl 10:00-10:15 AM cest

  • The purpose of a bug system
  • How to use a bug system
  • Bug management

Lunch kl 12:00 – 00:45 PM cest

  • What and how should we report?

Coffee Break kl 02:00 – 02:15 AM cest

  • Selling bugs, how do we motivate the recipient?
  • Go through of different types of bug categories

Review & End kl 4:00 PM cest

Course leader

I’ve been doing this for over 13 years. I also struggled with finding good material to learn from.

The big change for me came when I started to activate myself outside working hours. I meet fellow testers. I got great tips on material to study. The biggest change came when I come over the ideas I am going to share with you in this course.

I’ve tested everything from small systems to so big you can´t see the end point. I have helped many companies set up their testing from scratch to a well functioning CI/CD-flow.

WARNING: I can´t tell you that you will do exact this, because I don´t know you… but I will give you the secrets you need to be a great tester.

I’ve helped hundreds of people like you before. To learn how to perform great software testing and think like a tester.

Jonas Breisel

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